5 Essential Digital Marketing Blogs for Beginners
Top-Class SEO, Social Media, & Search Advertising Feeds Everyone Should Follow
In the age of online business, our brave world of new media, we’re all digital marketers. From small business to the nonprofit sector, from the newest startup to the Fortune 100, online advertising has become an imperative, integral part of public outreach. Why? Because tech-cultured consumers shop for goods and services on search engines, then shares on social media. Organizations now connect with new customers and engage current ones electronically. Having a well-formed online strategy can yield exceptional returns, making premium digital marketing blogs a source of highly sought-after advice and information.

If you’re new to the world of search engine marketing, social media, and SEO, the sheer amount of available content on the subject can be overwhelming. Hundreds of digital marketing blogs all sharing different perspectives in a rapidly evolving industry where best practices can change in an instant. The internet is today’s bustling nerve center of communication and commerce, and sifting through the noise can be tough. As you start to research how to advertise on Facebook or optimize your website for Google (hint: make it mobile friendly) the digital marketing blogs listed below can provide you with top-rate consultation and guidance.
All presented by respected industry thought leaders on the cutting edge of new media, here is our carefully crafted list of top must-follow digital marketing blogs:
1) Buffer Social: Thoughts on Social Media and Online Marketing
Widely known and highly respected throughout the social media marketing world, Buffer Social offers comprehensive insight on the latest trends in an engaging, understandable style. Earning Social Media Examiner’s #1 rank for 2016, you’d be hard-pressed to find a digital marketing blog with more consistently outstanding content and practical advice for the average user. Crafted by the innovative team behind one of the most-used social media management apps in the world, Buffer’s blog makes online marketing easier for countless followers.

2) Search Engine Land: Must Read News About SEO, SEM & Search Engines
If you’re looking for digital marketing blogs written on the forefront of the search engine industry, look to the leading-edge editorial team over at Search Engine Land. SEO and search marketing news breaks so incredibly fast, it’s amazing how Marketing Land’s sister publication keeps up with the volume and pace. Every Google algorithm update, every important change to how we calculate SEO ranking is delivered in an elegant and user-friendly news hub. Founded by search industry leaders Danny Sullivan and Chris Sherman, Search Engine Land also delivers their must-read news in one of the best digital marketing email newsletters you can sign up for.
3) Content Marketing Institute: Digital Marketing Blogs Telling a Story
The education-focused industry influencers behind Content Marketing World and CCO magazine host one of the best digital marketing blogs for hundreds of thousands of online subscribers and fans. CMI essentially originated the now widely-used term of “content marketing” to describe storytelling for digital outreach, and they remain the definitive authority on the subject to this day. Thorough research on difficult advertising topics is cultivated into helpful news articles in addition to unique digital events, consulting programs, and an awesome online magazine.
4) Hubspot: Your Daily Dose of Inbound Marketing
The Hubspot blog is a must-read source of digital marketing news and analysis for any B2B company. Separated into 3 categories (marketing, sales, and agency) with an immense volume of insightful content, Hubspot sets the standard for inbound advertising content. If you market or sell to other businesses, add them to your RSS feed now or subscribe to receive email updates in your inbox daily, weekly, or monthly!

5) The Content Strategist: Content marketing News, without the Noise
While Contently offers one of the more advanced digital marketing blogs out there, we had to include them in this list due to their spellbinding writing style covering a wide range of topics in a beautifully designed interface. The Content Strategist cuts out the advertising noise you’ll find on other news sites, creating a pleasant browsing experience the modern minimalist is sure to love. Their digital outreach, online business, and content marketing analysis is top-notch and includes other non-advertising-related subjects for a rich and interesting daily read.
Questions? Comments? Submit your own nomination for the best digital marketing blog by commenting below!